Fruit World Takanini

Johnny and Kim

Store owner

Part of the Fruit World Family for - Over 17 years

Chose to be part of Fruit World because -

Johnny has always enjoyed this type of business, He has known Charlie and Ronald (Fruit World Buyers) for a long time and likes what they offer their customers.

Fresh produce is integral to our success - it’s what our customers want, and it’s our point of difference. Being able to get fruit and vegetables from the market to our stores in just a few hours means we can provide our customers with the freshest, best quality produce around! 

What do you enjoy most about your job? 

Knowing that we are doing our part in helping keep people healthy by providing them with the freshest fruit and vegetables. The fresher the fruit, the higher the nutrients; so ours is crammed full of vitamins and minerals. 

What surprises customers the most about Fruit World?  

The freshness and variety on offer! It really is an enjoyable and interesting shopping experience! 

What's your favourite fruit or vegetable and why? 

NZ Stone Fruit is exceptional, and we’re very lucky to have such an amazing selection. 

What changes have you noticed in our fruit and vegetable eating habits over the last few years?   

Chinese vegetables and more unusual fruit and vegetables are being sampled. For example -  

Chinese Vegetables Choy Sum

Choy Sum's crisp and succulent stems and small yellow flowered tips make it a classic vegetable in Chinese cuisine. Try it blanched and stir-fried with garlic & oyster sauce, or steamed and dipped in soy sauce. Using it in simple, easy dishes really brings out the delicate, subtle mustard flavour.

Chinese Vegetables Gai Choy

Chinese Vegetables Shanghai Bok Choi bag

Crisp, succulent green stems, and deep jade-green leaves. Shanghai Bok Choy has a compact habit, growing to a height of 20cm. Usually harvested when young and tender, its mild and delicate flavour make it a favourite for steaming or stir frying. Baby leaves are delicious in salads.


it is considered milder and less peppery than other radishes. If you prefer to eat it raw, then it will have a mild and tangy taste with a crisp and juicy texture

Chinese Vegetables Wong Bok

Use in stir-fry . Has a milder flavour than regular cabbage.


Enjoy nature's pallet at its fullest and finest - shop with Fruit World.